cow comfort

Does cow comfort pay off?

The answer to this question is an unequivocal YES, especially for upcoming renovation or new construction projects. Because without cow comfort you can neither keep healthy high-performance cows nor achieve sufficient milk increases. In addition, the age of the cows plays a special role in economic considerations. Your animals need space, light and air. These are the decisive criteria for the productivity of dairy cows. And if the average age of the animals can be increased from two to three, four or even five lactations as a result, this means an enormous economic advantage for you. Moreover, it has been proven that cows give the most milk in the third and fourth lactation.

Cows that lie down longer use less energy and give more milk. The older a cow gets, the more important it is for the animal to get up. A cow that cannot get up well will lie down less and less as she gets older. Our solutions and products support the optimal lying down and standing up of cows. Together with stall care, this gives you the prerequisite for healthy and long-lived animals. Do not save on cow comfort. Errors in thinking and planning often lead to additional expenditure in other areas. You should rather think about the length of time you keep your animals and their health, do not forget to think about yourself and your working hours.


Wilhelm Kristen GmbH + Co. KG
Mühlenweg 20, 27 – 31
87724 Ottobeuren OT Ollarzried, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)8332/936677-0
info (at)

Monday – Thursday:
7.30 – 12.30  and 13.00 – 16.30
7.30 – 12.00